How to Rank High in JEE Examination?

Students think about how to rank high in JEE Examination? Qualifying in JEE-Main is important but ranking high in JEE Advanced is more important to get a seat in IIT colleges. Here are a few suggestions that AIR 2,500 students followed One common among successful students is SELF- STUDY. They understood that there was no substitute for self-study. Though self-study is not a fun-filled activity, it is a rather boring laborious activity. Still, the high-ranking students were focused to have long hours of self-study every day religiously and routinely. Many students ask two questions regarding self-study; – What exactly does self-study mean? – How much self-study do I require to qualify for high ranks? Self-Study: Many students think self-study means reading the textbook and class notes, some think revision of the syllabus is self-study, some think practicing mock test questions and others think the crash course is self-study. Self-Study could be a c...